Customer Success

Stanley Mutual “goes live” with the Cognition+ Platform

Stanley, New Brunswick
November 10, 2023
2 min
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Stanley Mutual Insurance Company is pleased to announce they have successfully implemented the Cognition+ enterprise platform for their mutual insurance operations.

Cognition+ provides Stanley with a full suite of integrated Underwriting, Claims, and Accounting functionality in a Cloud environment. The Cognition+ Cloud ensures a high availability, cost-effective, and secure solution while simplifying accessibility for all users. Cognition+ enables a myriad of opportunities for Stanley to extend their processes to other stakeholders beyond their current insurance operations and enhance workflow, rating, underwriting, and claims efficiencies.

“We’re thrilled with the result of this project. The collaboration between our team and the experts at Cognition+ made the transition to both a new system and the cloud a resounding success. Through this project, we’ve been able to streamline processes in all areas, bring our teams closer together through digital workflows, and ensure we have access to the data we need to run our business now, and into the future. Cognition+ has lived up to their promise of delivering within project timelines, and our team stepped up to lead this transition. We are future-ready.”, stated Greg Dunlap, President & CEO of Stanley Mutual Insurance Company.

“It’s great to see a progressive mutual like Stanley ‘go live’ on Cognition+ and enable the new capabilities discovered over the course of their implementation project. While this a tremendous milestone for the team at Stanley, this is the latest step of their digital transformation as they work towards their future vision,” said Matthew Scott, President and CEO of Cognition+.

About Stanley Mutual Insurance Company

Stanley Mutual was formed in 1937 by four rural farmers who pooled their resources to form their own insurance company. Today, Stanley provides industry leading products and services through multiple distribution avenues while maintaining their community presence in their home province of New Brunswick. Clearly defined Core Values guide all of Stanley’s decisions which has resulted in Stanley being recognized as the #1 insurance provider two years in a row.

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