Artificial Intelligence Use Statement

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are transforming the way we work. They have the potential to automate tasks, improve decision-making, and provide valuable insights into our operations.

However, the use of AI tools also presents new challenges in terms of information security and data protection.

Our organization recognizes that the use of AI tools can pose risks to our operations and customers. Therefore, we are committed to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all company and customer data.

Cognition+ requires all employees to adhere to policies governing the use of AI tools in a manner consistent with our best practices, which includes:

Evaluation of AI tools

Employees must evaluate the security of any AI tool before using it. This includes reviewing the tool's security features, terms of service, and privacy policy. Employees must also check the reputation of the developer and any third-party services used by the AI tool.

Protection of Confidential Data

Employees must not upload or share any data that is confidential, proprietary, or protected by regulation without prior approval from the appropriate department. This includes data related to customers, employees, or partners. 

Access Control

Employees must not give access to AI tools outside the company without prior approval from the CEO and subsequent processes as required to meet security compliance requirements. This includes sharing login credentials or other sensitive information with third parties. 

Use of Reputable AI Tools

Employees should use only reputable AI tools and be cautious when using tools developed by individuals or companies without established reputations. Any AI tool used by employees must meet our security and data protection standards.

Compliance with Security Policies

Employees must apply the same security best practices we use for all company and customer data. This includes using strong passwords, keeping software up-to-date, and following our Data Protection Policy.

Data Privacy

Employees must exercise discretion when sharing information publicly. Data supplied to AI tools may be used to train the model. All data supplied to AI tools must conform to our Data Protection Policy.

Purposes for which Cognition+ may employ AI-enabled tools may include, but are not limited to:

  • Conducting market and competitor research
  • Generating copy for website content, brochures, sales presentations and press releases
  • Crafting language for posts on social media platforms
  • Creating interview questions for prospective contributors


Should you have any questions or concerns regarding our Corporate Policy regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence, please direct your queries to: