Faster Quote Generation

No more manufactured rates. Quick, streamlined quoting process with pricing provided directly from your rules and ratings engine.  
Icon of laptop and clock
Cognition+ Cloud connected to laptop and desktop icons

Real-time Policy Information Access

No more phone calls or emails. Policy, coverage and client data provided directly from your system allow Brokers & Agents to have the most up-to-date information available when servicing clients.  

Efficient Policy Issuance

Brokers and agents can submit applications electronically, track their status in real-time, and receive policy documentation promptly, reducing administrative effort and improving turnaround times.  
A hand extended holding a signed document icon
Chart icon

Greater Productivity

No more portals. Brokers and Agents can inquire about a policy, quote and bind new business or process endorsements within their broker management system or via role-based access to your Cognition+ Platform.  

Improved Cross-Selling Opportunities

Identify coverage gaps and proactively recommend additional products to Clients.
Cross selling insurance icon
Cognition+ Icon cellphone

Streamline Endorsement & Renewal Processes

Automated renewal reminders and simplified endorsement workflows make these processes more efficient and less prone to errors.

Customer Service

Quickly address client inquiries, handle policy changes, resolve issues or initiate a First Notice of Loss using the workflow and communication tools within Cognition+.
Service Desk icon
Cognition+ integrations to thrid-party system icon

Integration with
Third-Party Systems

Seamless data flow between your Cognition+ system and leading Broker Management Systems streamlines workflows, reduces duplicate data entry and eliminates errors.
  • A logo with a blue diagonal line on the left forming a stylized 'A' shape next to the word "APPLIED" in black capital letters.
  • Vertafore logo
  • The image features the logo of "Power Broker," which includes blue circular shapes arranged in a pattern to the left of the text. The text "power broker" is written in lowercase letters, with the subtitle "by Acturis Canada" in a smaller font underneath.

Transform your producer relationships with Cognition+

Take the first step today!