MMI ‘Goes Live’ with Cognition+
Mennonite Mutual Insurance Co. (Alberta) Ltd. (MMI) has successfully implemented the Insurance Business Solution (IBS®) as their enterprise insurance suite. This is the first step in MMI’s digital transformation project in partnership with Cognition+, which will include the implementation of the Online Quoting Solution and the Cognition+ web platform. The IBS product will provide MMI, their policyholders, volunteer representatives, and their Insurance Advisors with enhanced technology to better serve their policyholders and community by creating efficiencies for their team through digital communications and ease of access to all of their data. Joining the Cognition+ community provides MMI with a continuous path for the adoption of web technologies and business analytics while allowing MMI to own the pace of their transformation.
MMI and Cognition+ are committed to mutuality and the benefits it provides to their policyholders, community, and team.
“MMI is continuing to broaden its products and services for our mutual community and it is important that as part of this strategy we have a market-leading solution that will empower our ability to deliver, ” said Sandra van Raalten, CEO & General Manager of Mennonite Mutual Insurance Co. (Alberta) Ltd.
“It is imperative we give our sales channel the tools they need to provide the service that our policyholders require, whether this is in a digital or paper format. We are committed to modernizing our processes and operations to meet the needs of our faith-based community and we believe continued adoption of technology is a key pillar to providing an overall better level of service and digital experience for our community and team. Cognition+ and our team have done a great job delivering this project on time and within budget. The culmination of this 15-month enterprise project live in production ensures that future micro-projects like the Online Quoting Solution and the Cognition+ implementation will be easily introduced to our community and team. The Cognition+ product roadmap aligns well with our business strategies and we’re looking forward to working with the Cognition+ team over the next year to further drive innovation at MMI.”
“There are some key aspects to successful ‘go live’ projects, but it always begins and ends with the dedication of the implementing company’s team,” added Jon Perry, Vice-President – Client Relations at MCCG.
“We were very fortunate to work with an engaged team led by a very strong project manager who has a wealth of accounting experience to ensure that the key control functions were preserved through the system transition. MMI has not only transformed their systems but has engrained a continuous improvement mentality within their organization. This will serve them well as they move forward with their digital transformation. It is exciting to see our community of mutuals continue to grow and adopt technology. You know you’re working with a forward-thinking customer-oriented organization when they are already planning their next projects while they are ‘going live’ with their current project. This really demonstrates the new reality that insurance carriers are looking to continuously optimize their operations while providing enhanced services for their policyholders.”
About Mennonite Mutual Insurance Co. (Alberta) Ltd.
MMI is an Alberta company that provides property and liability insurance for homes, farms and businesses. Most of our policyholders attend Mennonite churches and various evangelical churches with similar Confessions of Faith. Many of these churches are “member churches” as defined by MMI’s By-Laws. MMI board members are policyholders who are elected by delegates from the member churches. By insuring with MMI, our policyholders help to provide mutual aid within their faith communities and help to support MMI’s Compassion Fund as well as the work of Mennonite Central Committee Alberta.
For more information visit www.mmiab.ca
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